Monday, June 8, 2009

Acai Berry Free Trial – All You Have to Do Is Ask and Answer!

For an acai berry free trial which is a 30-day supply to get you started answer the following questions (just kidding--you get the benefit of learning lots of things about acai whether you answer or not--humor me…)
1. Why do you want an acai berry free trial?

a. It will help me loose weight
b. It's natural caffeine and won't give me the shaky jitters
c. It will give me a sustained energy boost
d. All of the above
2. Why is it good for me?
a. It is full of antioxidants that will fight free radicals
b. It's full of essential fatty acids
c. It will help me lose weight by giving me a full and satisfied feeling in my stomach
d. All of the above
3. Where does the acai berry come from?
a. The Amazon Rainforest
b. From high atop acai palm trees
c. Northern region of Brazil
d. all of the above

If you answered D to all these questions you know a lot about the amazing purple berry that comes from deep in the Brazilian mountains and is packed with essential fatty acids, vitamin E, antioxidants, and minerals.
The acai berry, until recently unknown in this country, has knocked the health food industry on its head. Researchers, health foodies, dieticians, and nutritionists are recommending the acai berry for the amazing benefits to your health.

You can go to almost any online acai berry site and request an acai free trial sample which usually comes in tablet form. Some sites actually offer a free trial size, but you do pay the postage by credit card. However be careful when ordering an acai berry free trail as some offers automatically sign you up for monthly delivery.

Acai Berry Juice – Good Tasting and Good for You!

Acai berry juice! Oh my, this stuff is good! Good and good for you. Acai berry juice tastes just like a tropical berry that’s been slightly dipped in dark rich chocolate.

The acai berry juice starts out in Amazon Rainforest where it grows wild in the deep lush forest. Researchers are stunned by the health benefits that are squeezed inside this dark purple berry.

For example the acai berry, which is only the size of a small grape, has ten times the amount of antioxidants as grapes and twice the amount found in blueberries.

The acai berry juice is a treat whether you drink it straight or toss it in a blender with some yogurt and fresh fruit. It tastes like a little bit of a liquid tropical paradise and add myriad of benefits to your health.

The taste is awesome but the heath benefits are amazing. Because the acai berry juice is packed--and I do mean packed with high levels of vitamin E--enough to make to make your immune system sit up and take notice. Meaning, it works better and at a higher capacity.

If you want to loose some weight, the acai berry juice will help with weight loss as well. Because the acai berry juice is natural caffeine, it gives you a slow and sustained energy boost which lasts through and beyond a good solid workout.

Unlike coffee or some teas, the acai berry juice does not give you the door-slamming, road-raging jitters. Just a clear boost of healthy energy.

You can buy the acai berry juice at most health food stores. And along with juice, the acai berry product line includes tablets, powder, and capsules.