Monday, June 8, 2009

Acai Berry Free Trial – All You Have to Do Is Ask and Answer!

For an acai berry free trial which is a 30-day supply to get you started answer the following questions (just kidding--you get the benefit of learning lots of things about acai whether you answer or not--humor me…)
1. Why do you want an acai berry free trial?

a. It will help me loose weight
b. It's natural caffeine and won't give me the shaky jitters
c. It will give me a sustained energy boost
d. All of the above
2. Why is it good for me?
a. It is full of antioxidants that will fight free radicals
b. It's full of essential fatty acids
c. It will help me lose weight by giving me a full and satisfied feeling in my stomach
d. All of the above
3. Where does the acai berry come from?
a. The Amazon Rainforest
b. From high atop acai palm trees
c. Northern region of Brazil
d. all of the above

If you answered D to all these questions you know a lot about the amazing purple berry that comes from deep in the Brazilian mountains and is packed with essential fatty acids, vitamin E, antioxidants, and minerals.
The acai berry, until recently unknown in this country, has knocked the health food industry on its head. Researchers, health foodies, dieticians, and nutritionists are recommending the acai berry for the amazing benefits to your health.

You can go to almost any online acai berry site and request an acai free trial sample which usually comes in tablet form. Some sites actually offer a free trial size, but you do pay the postage by credit card. However be careful when ordering an acai berry free trail as some offers automatically sign you up for monthly delivery.


  1. Since amino acids are the building blocks of protein, and protein is what helps build strong muscle, these berries are a must have for any serious workout person. Working out and lifting weights gets a little bit harder with every year older that I get. I am always looking for things that can help me build more muscle and keep the physique that I have worked hard to obtain. One of the best things that I have added to my diet to aid in muscle building is the acai berry. This tiny berry is loaded with amino acids which significantly help the body build muscle.

  2. If it's a good week I hit it 6 times, and if it's a bad week I'll only get to go 3 or 4 times. This morning as I was working out, I bumped into my friend Sarah. I've known her for the past 2 years, and over the past 6 months she has lost quite a bit of weight. I asked her what her secret was, and she told me it was the acai berry. A couple of weeks ago my brother told me about this special berry from the rain forest. I'm thinking about trying this berry out for myself. Every week I try to visit the gym at least 4 times

  3. Everyone wants to live a long time, and you want to live healthily as well. These fatty acids are so good for your body. Your body cannot, however, make these fatty acids by itself. You need to supplement these acids, and the best way to supplement them is to take an acai supplement. When you decide to use an acai berry product, you should know that half the berry is nothing but the fatty acids like Omega 3, 6 and 9. These acids are very healthy for the heart. Keeping your cardiovascular system working to its full potential is extremely important to longevity.

  4. It also taste great which is another plus. You can get results and love yourself more. There are many reasons to go on the acai berry diet. The first and most important reason is to get rid of all the junk and bad toxins permeating inside your system. This way your body stays healthy and you can go about your life doing what you love without having to worry about a malfunction in your system. People are always complaining about how they are feeling lazy or tired; a good way to help your system and give you more energy is by using the acai berry.

  5. It has been harvested there for centuries because of its nutritional benefits, and now it is harvested for the Western world as well. You will not find them fresh in the grocery store because they are very perishable and cannot travel from the Amazon to other locations and still be fresh and good for you. This is why they are processed into powders and juices and supplements. You will get the same benefits from these products as you would by eating the fresh berries. When it comes to total nutrition, there is no food on this planet more nutritious than the acai berry. This little berry grows on a palm tree in the Amazon rain forest.

  6. It is hard to imagine a more popular item in the news than acai berry which has captured the market. The attention that has been and is being given to this little thing is amazing to behold. The people are clamoring to get some of this and they want to try it to see if it is what they have been looking for. When the people begin to take it they immediately see what it can do for them. The changes might be gradual but once they begin taking place the reality of life made new begins to dawn on the person once and for all.

  7. It is hard to imagine a more popular item in the news than acai berry which has captured the market. The attention that has been and is being given to this little thing is amazing to behold. The people are clamoring to get some of this and they want to try it to see if it is what they have been looking for. When the people begin to take it they immediately see what it can do for them. The changes might be gradual but once they begin taking place the reality of life made new begins to dawn on the person once and for all.

  8. I am very happy with this acai berry experiment so far. I am getting mostly good feedback about the product. That is good for the company wanting to promote it.
    Time for number five! It was another male in his forties. He was married with two children and was in fairly good health. He really surprised me. He told me that not only did he have no acai berry side effects, he did not see any change in his lifestyle. It just goes to show you that a product works different for different people. That is with any supplement or medication though.

  9. Jill was facing a couple of physical challenges, and she wanted to find a nutritional and health product that would benefit her conditions. She had recently done quite a bit of research and found out that the acai berry was an excellent little fruit that was very helpful in giving the body the nutrition that it needed to fight off certain physical maladies. She decided that she was going to order some products that had the berries of acai in them, to see if they would be able to fortify her health. She was not disappointed in their effects, and recommends berries of acai to everyone she meets.

  10. There is so much attention given to weight and the way people look that it is time to consider acai berry because it is one of the things that will really help you turn your weight situation around. There will be other things that will get your attention but this one will not only command your thoughts but will also change your life. When the things that held you back begin to fall by the wayside you will know that you have really changed your life for the better. The moment you see the new you, you will know you have finally arrived.

  11. There will be other things that will get your attention but this one will not only command your thoughts but will also change your life. When the things that held you back begin to fall by the wayside you will know that you have really changed your life for the better. The moment you see the new you, you will know you have finally arrived. There is so much attention given to weight and the way people look that it is time to consider acai berry because it is one of the things that will really help you turn your weight situation around.

  12. The information about acai berry is everywhere. There couldn't possibly be more information out than is already available. The people are talking about it, the television has programs about it, there are books on the shelves about it. How long will it take before you finally realize that this is exactly what you have been looking for in order to change the way you look at yourself and your body. You can change. Things can be new. You can have a better attitude about life when you realize that it does not control you. You are the one who is control and things are new.

  13. James and Sally were overweight and wanted to embark on a new weight loss program together, so that they could keep each other straight, as well as lending each other moral support and motivation. They both decided that they were going to purchase the acai berry diet, and get the weight off as naturally and safely as possible. They also did not want to regain their weight back later, so they chose to do the weight loss and management program with their smarts involved. Both Sally and James were very successful in the end, and they reached their goals, thanks to the little berries of acai.

  14. There is so much attention given to weight and the way people look that it is time to consider acai berry because it is one of the things that will really help you turn your weight situation around. There will be other things that will get your attention but this one will not only command your thoughts but will also change your life. When the things that held you back begin to fall by the wayside you will know that you have really changed your life for the better. The moment you see the new you, you will know you have finally arrived.

  15. There is so much attention given to weight and the way people look that it is time to consider acai berry because it is one of the things that will really help you turn your weight situation around. There will be other things that will get your attention but this one will not only command your thoughts but will also change your life. When the things that held you back begin to fall by the wayside you will know that you have really changed your life for the better. The moment you see the new you, you will know you have finally arrived.
